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This Classroom Set consists of:

20 Gifted Child in Foster Care - Books

20 Gifted Child in Foster Care - Student Workbooks

1 Gifted Child in Foster Care - Teacher's Guide


In the book, A Gifted Child in Foster Care: A Story of Resilience, Dr. Grace LaJoy shares her life story of being deserted by her mother, living in foster care, and ending up in a gifted and talented class while still in foster care. She recalls her life story before, during and after foster care. Her turbulent life experiences reveal how she became strong and began to encourage, inspire and empower others through her gift of writing. Finally, she offers words of inspiration, encouragement, and empowerment to both children and parents. Children learn that they can succeed and impact the lives of others even in the face of adversity. Parents learn specific steps to help children recognize and utilize their gift(s).


The Student Workbook will assist teachers in fulfilling the state requirements for Language Arts.


The reading comprehensive skills taught in the workbook include:

Main Idea and Supporting Details

Sequencing and Events

Identifying Cause and Effect

Interpreting and Evaluating Information

Comparing and Contrasting

Character Trait Discussion


Some of the Character Education Traits include:




and many more...


The Teacher's Guide is just like the Student Workbook, but only it contains the answers to all of the questions in the Student Workbook, which makes this a very helpful resource the for classroom teacher.


While the book may be read without the use of the Student Workbook and Teacher's Guide, the Student Workbook and Teacher's Guide may only be used in conjuction with the book.


As a bonus: Questions inspiring foster care discussion are included in the back of A Gifted Child in Foster Care book.

Classroom Set - A Gifted Child in Foster Care - Revised Edition



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